Monday, December 21, 2009

Fun times =)

Here's some pix from the... fun night after the Joy Story production at our church. This play was so sweet, I thuroughly enjoyed listening to all those kids precious voices as they sang the Gospel (in a sense ;) A very fun night, and... us teens had a bit of fun on our own... outside!! =P
love to all, and happy holidays =)
xoxo <3 savanna

haha!! wow! isn't that just like shi =P tehe*

the groupies =P gotta love us & our... *ahem*... unique personalities ;) BAHA!! I love all these people <3

HAHA!! more special individuals =P

our *miserably failed* attempt @ a peace sign =P BAHA!!

although we're a little more skilled in the art of heart making ;) YAY!! haha =P

more hearts!!!! tehe* Twas fun =) love makin' memories =P


Unknown said...

seths mouth looks hilarious in the peace one haha

Van & Shi said...

HAHA!! fun times =P