Want to know what we do when we hang with some adorable kids for 5 hours?
Well, I'll let these pictures tell you a little story ;)
xoxo & have a (as Kellogg's Tony the Tiger would say ;) gerrrrATE weekend =D
We eat pizza...with silly faces ;)
We eat...more =P
oh! we do drink juice too =)
We let kids stay up...maybe a little bit past their bedtime because they call us "miss shiwo & miss sabana" (with a sticky ADORABLE face!) & find them coloring on the floor =D
Have we said we babysit REALLLLLY cute kiddos?!?!???
(a little bit earlier) we wear pretty.sparkly headbands, play with dollies, wear flowers & do eachothers hair =D (though I cannot take credit 4 this one. This is her mothers doing, & I must say, it's QUITE fabulous!!)
We smile, a lot =)
We lend a helping hand (UGH! it was so cute!!)
We do silly things!!
And the kids laugh at us =P ...HYSTERICALLY!!!!
OHHHHHYES! we giggle our HEADS off!!!!
Annnnnd....we laugh sum more =D
OOH! we give good piggy back rides =D
(it'll only cost you a smile =)
We run around the house like crazy people =P
We jump REEEEALLY high!!!!
I don't know how this happened... =/ but it got around that savanna's leg is the place 2 grab onto. Idk who spread that! But, if the kids are cute.. I guess I don't mind haha*
We compare toes... I like yours miss Bella-loo =)
And we jump & have fun on the trampoline, then our feet get dirty, & we decide to go swimming, then we go get clean, make cupcakes, read a book, sing a few songs (all craaaaazy-like of cooooourse! ;) and go nighty night <3
All in all, we're pretty dog.on specTACULAR babysitters =)
Now it's time for this babysitter 2 go nighty night <3
chow folks!
check my photography blog for a few more pix from our fun day...to be posted soon =)