So, today- lil' sis & I were a little bored, so we decide 2 pick on Austin (& if some of you don't know, Austin is out here from Portland Oregon 2 play the role of Laurie in my dad's production of Little Women. He came out here 4 about 8 weeks!! {yah!! that's a LONG time!!} & he has about 5 more weeks. we love havin' him) anyway- here's the proof of Austin's sillyness. (actually us "asking" him 2 make these silly faces- LOL!!) ENJOY!!!!
yup- we're having a little 2 much fun!! :oP
Big Sis
(i'm not even gonna comment on these- lol. they speak 4 themselves!! haha)

all of us being silly :oP


doing "school" :oP


happy/stupid!! lol


one more!!


ok ok!! we're going away!! I think we're "officially" bugging him!! (& maybe weirding him out a little too!! lol)