so here's the pix... & thnx 4 listening 2 me dish- lol. love y'all!!
Big Sis
cute pic of da girlz :o)
Isaac (Mr. Brooke)
this was kinda a funny pic cause- all the girlz were laughing 'cause lil' sis (Amy) had this DRAMATIC scene- lol. pretty funny!
haha- after she fainted in the scene :oP
tehe- something funny :oD
I love action shots :o) (i mean this isn't really an action shot, but she's talking... so I guess there's some action goin' on :o)
lookin' over lines
are these not the most AMAZING eyes EVER!!!! I didn't even touch this picture either!! I just LOVE this pic!!
Ren's pretty eyes (man- lol. me & eyes :o)
wow!! ok now- I don't think she likes me very much- lol :oP
cute ;o)
k, 4 some reason- I chose 2 stick a pic of a highlighter on my blog. lol!! don't ask me why- I just think this is cool. tehe
I thought this was another cool "eye" pic- lol- guess who????
Tara & Kierstyn- btw.... Tara's Jo (lol, never really clarified that- tehe :o)
lil sis
HAHA!!!! yup! that's tara- lol (I love victoria's look too- haha)
yes people!! we really did do some work!! lol (all while smiling of course- haha)
knitting ladies- (wow!! tay looks "angry!!" lol- love ya tay :oP) they're practicing 4 the play btw
I just HAD 2 stick this pic up cause.... austin's face is just... PRICELESS!! haha
"too cool"- LOL!!
this is a funny story actually!! both their dads went 2 the same highschool & share mutual friends- so they found out about it & here they're telling their dads- lol. what a small world eh?? lol
all da' girls- (love y'all <3)
good times!!
thank you all btw 4 your prayer & support. we couldn't do it without y'all, or our WONDERFUL (powerful) Savior!! :o)