Here's 2 some of my friends i love so dearly!
Ren- we've been thru SO much together, I'll love u 4ever! Our friendship means everything 2 me! we're like 2 peas in a pod :-)
Grace- we've also been thru a LOT, and I'm SO glad 4 ur friendship! Thank God 4 working in both of our lives, cause without him, well, let's not even go there :-) love love
Tay (twinkle)and Madi (minnie) I love u sisters! even tho ur not really my sissy's, i count u as 2 of my dearest friends, and I will always hold ur friendship very dearly! Thank God for friends like u!
Charissa- even tho ur like my lil' sisses friend, i think of u as 1 of my closest friends. I count u as part of my fam, cause ur just like a lil' sis 2 me :-)
Lil' Sis- ur my sister, so u know I love u :-)Wow, where do i even begin, ur SUPER special 2 me
even thru the ups & downs, I want 2 let u know, i'll always b there 4 u, & I'll ALWAYS love u.
PICTURE TIME!!!! here's some pix of the people I just mentioned- I love u all SO much! :-)