here's the pix from the Thursday rehearsal- week 2!! ENJOY!!
Big Sis
dad directing :o)

da' girlz


Leroy @ his "station"- lol


lil' sis, Tara (Jo) & Tatum (Katy)

silly victoria

I thought this was kind of a cool pic!

somethin' funny :oP

AWW!!!! u look so cute ren!! love ya <3

austin & ren

haha- funny story actually!! so I told both of them 2 make a funny face- well..... Kierstyn did.... (so did Tay-) but then Tay's phone rang- haha!! so that's the explanation 4 this pic- lol. funny hugh??

tehe- silly's

And last... (but not least!! :o) me & tay (couldn't we b sisters?? we've actually had 4 people ask if we were!! can u believe?? lol)
love ya "mucho" tay :oP