I just decided 2 write this post cause... 1) i'm bored- (2) I feel like it (3) I need 2 post more often (4) since i didn't really feel like posting pix @ the moment, this will have 2 do =)
The 15 things you may not know about....
Savanna Lee!!
1.) My favorite color in the entire world is (& always will be) hot pink!! =)
2.) I'm really into folky-pop (@ the moment) As well as slow "erie" sounding songs- the one's that haunt you for a while, & the ones that you can't WAIT 2 listen 2 OVER & OVER again =) [Gravity: by Sara Barielles would be a PERFECT example- as well as Almost Lover: by A Fine Frenzy =)
but HEY!! I love my happy music (& thnx 2 Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat- I can always have my "happy music" fix ;)
3.) It drives me CRAZY when people cough for more than 2 seconds!! AHH!! (& with my sister just getting over a nasty icky thingy- TRUST me!! I was SANCTIFIED 2 the MAX!! sometimes @ around 1:00 in the morning ;(
4.) I REALLYREALLYREALLY badly want a surprise 16th b-day partay. With EACH & EVERY one of my friends there!! And I REALLYREALLYREALLY wanna be SUPERSUPERSUPER surprised, I really wanna have a cute SURPRISED face- & mayb i'll cry?? idk ;) So if sometime in the not 2 distant future, u hear that I'm having a Surprise 16th, DON'T (*i repeat!!*) do NOT give me ANY hints =) (I also think that that is the MOST bold caps I've EVEREVEREVER used... EVER!! tehe ;)
5.) I don't think there will ever be a time where I stop writing songs. EVER!!
6.) I am OBSESSED with 30's & 40's clothing. It simply fascinates me- I love drawing them, Looking @ (idon'tevenknowhowmany) books from the library about them... It's AMAZING!! The simplicity, yet pure elegance of it all just ASTOUNDS me!! lovelove<3 haha- =)
7.) I wanna get married between the ages of 18-20-(no later than) 22 ;) yes, God knows best... & will probably not have me get married by the time I'm 35!! (ohgoshthat'sOLD!! haha=P
8.) (aside from my photography business) I ADORE cooking!! It's so fun 2 make "gourmet stuff" right in your own kitchen =) I think my favorite part is staring @ the beauty of my creation- haha!! =P (much 2 my mother's dismay, since she's the one with the car &... must make all the frequent shopping trips =P thnx mommy <3
9.) I love going on cleaning sprees =P It makes me feel really calm, & I love singing 2 myself while I'm @ it =) (ok, call me wierd- HA!!) It really annoys my lil' sis, but she'll just have 2 get over a clean room (i'm sorry =P tehe)
10.) I LOVE being cold!! (which is coincidental seeing as I live in a barren *oven* wasteland- haha!!) You'll even most likely see me wearing flip flops in the winter on a day where I'm not really doing anything =) I love it when my hands are freezing. And as much as I love sitting next around the fire place (or pit) with friends & fam. I'd much rather be cold =) (ok, call me weird again! haha)
11.) I'm a sucker 4 shopping ;) Take me 2 my favorite store & I could spend HOURS (literally!!) in there!! Just looking, & spending millions!! (haha!! =P too bad I don't have millions =P But if I did... you know what I'd do now =)
12.) I really wish I could blog more. Every year, ya know when people make their "New Year's Resolutions"- well, this is one of my goals but... it never works. So I must make do with the few minutes per week that I'm actually able to blog =P Just when I don't blog 4 a few couple YEARS!! (haha) I really WANT 2 (in my heart<3 =)
13.) From the time I was like... 6 up till now even! I've always wanted to be 17 years old. (&... maybe a little skinnier ;) Don't ask me why, I just like that age =)
14.) Hanging out with friends is my MOST fave thing 2 do in the ENTIRE world!
15.) I ADOREADOREADORE c.h.o.c.o.l.a.t.e!!!! (crazy.happiness.o.c.o.lovely.addiction.tasty.enjoyment) ok, I didn't have any words 4 O.C.O- so.... haha =P
Now I'm requesting that you comment on some of your fave things! can't wait 2 read!! =)