so, here it goes- my first post of THE most awesome pix!! man, i just CAN'T say enough AWESOME'S!!!!!!! man!! somebody has NOOOO social life as u can OBVIOUSLY c!! lol- anyhoo, rehearsal's goin' good- Sat. we have an ALL DAY rehearsal!! yes people! ALL DAY!! school is fine i guess- thank GOD i just did a speech @ school/good 2 get that over with! :o) I'm on spring break. just tryin' 2 catch up on some school. i should probably do a couple Dr. Grant lectures- BLUCK!!!! (my new word:o) figure it out- tehe) anyhoo. now that my lil' "update" is done. time 4 some RAD RAD RAD pix!! i think i'm liking using words 3x's :o)
ok- enough dilly dallying-
here it goes! (oh here it goes, oh here it goes again- haha)
Big Sis

look @ this pic 4 a sec & c if u can figure it out if u hadn't the 1st time


water is... good!

my life motto :o)

this picture is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a wittle putty tat

i LOVE this pic cause of its color!! it's FABULOUS!

isn't this rad?!?!?!?!?!!!!

hahahaha!!!! love it!!


wow! that would b quite difficult 2 sit on- lol

this pic is just.... well...... so...... PERFECT!!!!

i'm just.... well.... speechless!! :o)

this is 4 all da' boys- though it is kinda gross, it's still pretty awesome (come on girls, u gotta admit!! lol)

tehe- so cute/AWESOME!!

mmmmm... yummy!!

this one's 4 u sam- lol- u should TOTALLY try & make ur mom's shopping list like this- lol

this one really creeps me out- yet it's SUPER awesome!! :o)

this 1 caught my eye the 1st time i saw it! (love @ first sight- lol)

isn't this just TOTALLY me? i LOVE it!!


i never get tired of seeing fireworks- they're so amazing don't ya think?

doesn't this just bring back the good old days @ the beach!! i hope we can do our "summer trip" again!! WOW!! i'm actually LONGING 4 summer!!

oh how i love 2 SIIINNNNNNGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rock on babay!!

word cannot EVEN express the AWESOMENESS of this pic! hahahaha!!!!!

rn't htese the COOLEST couches/pillows EVER!!!!!!!??????!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!


YES people!! i actually turned EVERY way 2 c the different angles of this pic- tehe


OMG!! so cute!!

this is SUCH a cool place- thingy


wow!! cool!!


i love this pic!! it's so vivid & GORGEOUS!!


this one's pretty cool too!!


k, this is just a model- but isn't it SOO SUPER awesome!!

OMG!!!! so scary!!

isn't this pretty cool too?

haha- we all know what that's like- lol (jk- i've never!!


AWESOME!! (i hate that stupid ol' pick up truck u never let me drive- haha)

yes! they really did have these back in the day!! funny right?? haha