While searching for some new songs 2 download... I was feeling a bit melancholy. Therefore, resorting to get on ma flicka, looking for that one special picture. That might... just maybe cheer me up a bit. (but those things never actually happen right?) WRONG!!!!
Here is the picture that made my little heart's night, as well as the capture that was below it =)
I hope it makes you smile, cuz that's what I was searching for... and that's exactly what I found =)
Tonight, I shall go to bed with a smile on my face.
Not only because I found a great picture that made me happier!
But because my Savior died for and loves this pathetic person (...mua. lol), who many times feels like she needs more than Him to bring a smile to her face. That is so incomprehensible. But, I am so grateful nonetheless!
<3 van
because it's fun.