AHHHH!!!! nothing better=) went 2 Old Navy 2-day 4 the yearly $1. flip flops. Here's the first-hand experience:
when we got there @ around 9:45..... the line was already wrapped around a few stores- HA!!!! but that moved pretty quickly, we got in.... & most ALL of the flip flops were gone within the first 5 min. SERIOUSLY!!!! people were shoving, pushing, cussing (yah!! the manager had 2 get up on some tables, [he had a megaphone- ha!] & he TRIED 2 keep everyone orderly.... he said, "hey! stop that, there's children here!!"- lol. that.... um..... wasn't very effective. lol!!) then by the time we were about 2 check out, the checkout line wrapped around the whole inside of the store & ended by the front doors. CRAZY!!!! we didn't exactly want 2 wait, so we hid our stuff that we wanted 2 buy (HAHA!!) and we're gonna go back 4 it later. On the plus side (if they're still there!! lol) I got (or am gonna get) a SUPER CUTE white skirt, a ADORABLE denim skirt, & a pair of MUCH NEEDED shorts which are very modest (in mine & my moms opinion=) so, I've just been swimming & tanning, repeatedly throughout the day :oP it's been very relaxing & just nice, 2 take a break from the world =) life. So now, I'm just gonna look 4 some good chick flix, cause that's what I'm kinda in the mood 4- anyhoo, that's my day in a nutshell.
not that anybody ever reads the things put on other people's blogs (haha- no worries 2 all my friends- I READ ALL your blogs!! lol) but, I guess what I'm trying 2 say is, I WON'T b offended if u don't read this boring "what's Big Sis doing today" post- haha. so, now I'm just blabbing on- g2g. Love ya all my peeps<3
Big Sis- have a FANTABULOUS Saturday!!