Sunday, November 22, 2009


so here are (FINALLYYYY) some pix from the Phantom of the Opera, a play we saw ;) And if you don't know what I'm talking about....... well then........... it's time you need some serious help =P tehe
It was simply SPECTACULAR, we got 9th row center people!! AHHHHHHHH =) sorry, it was just so amazing, I can't even describe it- here's some pix with the CAST!! OH YAH BABAY!! we met them...... =D  tehe ;)
It was a blast, but now I must stop =P
xoxo <3 van

Before the show- YAHHHH we were kinda freaking out!!!! haha shi =P

One of the cast members- she played Meg Giri & was very sweet =)

The PHANTOM!!!!! he had a voice sent from heaven!! (haha, that sounded funny =P no but seriously, He was great!!!!

Christine!!!!!!!!!!! OMG she was amazing & gorgeous on that stage- SOOOO AMAZING!!!! =)

tehe ;) a lovely night with my fam. and AMAZINGGGGG show- just SPECTACULAR overall =)
This show makes me want to be an actress! (and for those who know me well, that's BIGGG!! haha)

1 comment:

Erin Deltenre said...

WOW!!!!! I'm SOOOO jealous right now!!!! :) Looks like you guys had an AZMING time!!!! Van you look SOO old and TALL in these pics!!! I'm serious!!!!! :) Love you chicka!!! ~ren