Friday, September 4, 2009

fun photoshoot

A HUGE-MUNGOUS thanks 2 Mrs. Bradshaw :
4 letting us do this SUPER-DUPER FUN photoshoot, hope we can do it again (*hint hint* =) like........ soon!! =P
i must say, we had the TIME OF OUR LIVES!!!! it was a TOTAL blast!! =) xoxo, Big Sis


me n' my bow >o<

lil' sis n' her "smart" glasses =) is it just me?? or does it look like her arm has a certain, oh i dunno...... glow about it?? tehe =)

country girl <3

FUNFUNFUN!!!! =) but then I had 2 go n' get braces =( lol, lotso'love <3

1 comment:

Erin Deltenre said...

Finally a post!! yay! Cutie-Patooties!! Luv ya' both, ren