So..... this has been SUPERDOOPER fun 4 me, and we'll see what God has in store for it!
Here are some pix of the "experience"
xoxo <3<3
Big Sis
You will soon be able to find my on myspace, where you can listen 2 my stuff- & maybe some etc. =)
first day, going through songs- always fun!! =P
*and the black keys, never looked so beautiful* haha (my tribute 2 the jonas brothers. i LOVE that song!! =)
oh yah!! (haha) it was late ;P
(*a happy working song*)
my mic- i loved it!!
this was @ the studio, i though it was HILARIOUS!!!! =D
isn't this cool?? it's like the singer in the backround, w/ her mic!! =)
yup, that was basically it- he sat on the computer..... & I..... well........... (tehe)........ ate!!!!
pretty acoustic- i LOVELOVELOVE those guitars!!!!
i want one ;)
AHHHHH tacobell!! our main staple of food @ that time- haha!! u gotta love it!! =P
idk why- but speakers (especially AWESOME ones like this!!) just fascinate me!! =) LOVELOVE!!
another mic- except.... this one was SUPER shiny!!!! (ha!!) *& all professional like*
(i think the only person who will get that is erin =) unless you've seen New In Town & have an INCREDIBLE memory like ren's- haha!!
gettin' ready 2 *perform* tehe.
It was a BLAST!!!! thank you all who helped, prayed, and supported!! i COULDN'T have done it without u!!!! Love 2 all
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SOOOOOOOOO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ok, i'm going crazy w/ the caps :) tehe i can't WAIT to hear you!!!!!!!! send me a link to ur page when it's up!!!!!!!!!! those pics are AWESOME!!!!!!!!! i'm SUPER proud of you!!!!!!!! ~ <3 ur bestie, ren
p.s. "are you sure you're not to cold, cuz' you look a little cold. . . " HAHA LOVE IT!!!!
tehe- i LOVED ur comment =) i'm i n CA right now, & i have 2 say... that brought a smile 2 my face =D (a big one actually <3<3 thank u SOOOOO much!!!! yup, it's pretty cool- & TRUST me, you'll be like...... the first one 2 know about a myspace/facebook (whatever) pg. (SERIOUSLY!!!! =) i LOVELOVELOVE that movie- i think it should b "our movie" (we could ask taylor swift if she could make a song out of it- haha!! )love u love u my bestie <3<3 xoxo
Ur SOOOOOO right!!!!!!!!!!!!!! maybe she could make a song out of it.......... or you could!!!! ;) i just got back from the resort today, it was sooooooo super fun!!!!! i miss you though!!!! will u be at church tomorrow???? have fun in cali!!!!!! <3 ya' bestie!!!! ~ren
OK MISSY!!! NOW IT YOUR TURN TO POST SOMETHING!!! (sorry bout' the caps. . . lol) I did, now you need to post!!!!! how bout' one all about ur new braces???!!! c'mon!!!! anything!!!! tehe was this what it was like when i wasn't posting??? yikes!! that's awful!!! tehe!! luv ya' bestie!! ~ren
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