Saturday, May 23, 2009

last weekend- just haven't posted

yup, that about explains it- this is what lil' sis & i did last week (it's what we do just about every time we're bored- haha!!) no, but it's good practice 4 my photography skills =P these r lil' sis' pix, & mine r coming up- the outfit was ALL her idea!! she came out & I was....... well..... a bit shocked!! haha- hope ya like. PLEASE, i'd love 2 hear any feed-back, positive.... or negative!! (seriously!!) so, without further ado. Much Love<3 Big Sis

YES!! the eyelashes r fake- haha!

3 options. #1-


& finally


my mom's fave!!



Erin Deltenre said...

YIKES!!!! shi ur scaring me ur SO. . . GOTH!! LOL great job w/ the photography Van!!! you're getting better, and better! Luv' ya' ~erin

Unknown said...

omg i love the black and white one with the screen door thingy!