so 4 many of those who didn't know- my dad was in the Musical/Show... Cat's!! (it was VERY famous- back in the day- lol :-P anyhoo. we got 2 go c it when it came 2 The Gamage Theater about a week ago- it was REALLY cool cause we got 2 go backstage & meet a bunch of people, EVEN the guy who played the same guy my dad did (back in the day- haha!! i just love saying that- tehe) yup- so it was one of those things us homeschooler's can classify as a "field trip"- lol. so, it was fun (& I actually enjoyed it!!) fun memories. ttyl
Big Sis
dad- (in front of the truck) isn't this a cool pic??

our fam

us girlz :)

the guy who played the guy my dad played (make sense?? lol) yah, they had LOTS of makeup & prosthetics on let me tell ya- haha
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