words cannot express how much I love everyone in these pix (especially those in oregon :o) no, but seriously- lol. this has been such an awesome experience & I'd do it ALL over again in a heartbeat... right now!! lol- soli deo gloria!!
Big Sis- with love <3
the beginning
@ pei wei with the N fam.<3 love u guys!!
no words 2 say- love ya vic!! thnx 4 all ur help!! <3 xoxo
da' girls
tehe- so silly! (oh yah people!! it takes a LOT of courage 2 stick pix up like this!! haha)
haha- in Oregon right now (where vic, chris, & austin live) it's snowing... so a warm day felt REALLY good!! lol
yah- well...... poor austin needed..... er........... a little sleep!! haha
& then when all the girls/my aunt got here- he resorted 2 sleeping outside (hey!! it was HIS idea folks! haha)
yah- well...... christina decided 2 try out the mustache on vic- haha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & well.......... chris. also tried experimenting with austin's make-up as well. lol!!!!!!!!!!
haha!! i love tara's expression!! (yah, it's a wig people! lol-)
AWW!! me & my auntie <3 love u!!
oh the process!! lol
the adoring fans- tehe (love ya girls<3)
don't they all look amazing?!?!? these r the genius's that put this GENIUS play 2-gether!! <3 lots a' love
the parents & the kid (love y'all!! u did great austin!! so proud of ya:O)
this pic is so cute/very cool!! u both did FABULOUS!! love ya girlies (yes!.!.... that's lil' sis- she's BLOND!! (gasp} :o)
awww!! great job tara!! love ya<3 love my parents too :o)
AWW!! me & me mommy<3
da' girlies<3 great job everyone!! :)
*sniff sniff* it's actually over!! let's all do it again sometime people- ok??!!? :o) da' curtain call
the end- love ya'll!! <3
haha- havin' a little fun @ the cast party :D
yup! leroy can do the kissy lips/peace sign!! HAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!............ tehe
& we even have the Michael Jackson nose's!! haha!!!! this pic took some time 2 take, so they would do it @ the same time- haha!!
aww!! my girlies <3 love ya!
yup! I have a feeling someday that I'll look back on this pic & laugh- lol. (or maybe cry- HAHA!!)
austin... um.......well........ STREAKED HIS HAIR!!!!!!!!!!! oh but wait folks!! there's more- it's BLOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (but.... i like it- so don't feel bad austin :o) lol
all of us @ the airport saying goodby 2 austy- it was a sad day..... but we'll b seeing them all real soon!! YAY!! <3
then after we said goodbye 2 austy- all of the girls went 2 paradise bakery. DELICIOUS!!
tehe- silly girls<3 miss u 2!!!!!!!!!!!!
that's a wrap! lol- AWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! (it's kinda an inside joke- lol)
so the day ended on a very happy note- & even though we miss them TERRIBLY!! we know we'll c them.... & EVERYONE else soon!! Lots of love!!!!!!!!
Yikes, I love the pics!!! Now I have new ones to use as my desktop amazingness. :)
I love you all fiercely. Like a lion who's in need of green apples.
awww...such sweet pics! I love them! And I love you guys. And I miss you like crazy...ahhh.
Van,...I'm being dramatic right now, if you know what I mean.
awwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!! those are sooooooo super, awsome, stinkin', adorable pictures!!!!!!! luv em'! *sigh* good times, good times......... ~ren
Very fun!!! Some of these are just downright hilarious! :D
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