Happy New Year!! I CAN'T believe it's already 2009!!!! how time flies! btw..... thnx SOOOO much Aunt Dee Ann 4 having our fam. out 2 your house..... we had a FANTABULOUS!!!! time!!!! love u lots<3
Big Sis
lil' sis & our cousin Kari- love yu<3
our cousin Shane & his lovely wife Michelle- love u guys!! <3
michelle, lil' sis & kari playin'.... domino's i think
me & my cous. Ryan's girlfriend..... Lisa!! love yu<3
our sweet baby cous. Piper- what a CUTIE!!!!
me & my cous. Kari's fiance... Adam!
me & my AWESOME cous. Ryan!! love yu-
lil' sis & cous. Kari- I kinda did a lil' photoshoot w/my new camera!! :-D
in fast motion- isn't that pic SOO rad??
k, i think this pic of lil' sis should b in like a magazine or something- u know... like an add!! SUPER cute!! <3 :-D
AWWW!!!! me & my lil' cous. Piper- She's the new CUTEST baby!! love u piper!! <3
OMG!! how cute is she!! tehe- we put her with all the presents & her little elf hat... i just CAN'T get over that- lol <3
WOW!! I just can't get enough!! I love yu precious baby!! <3
yah... um.... lil' sis just came out like this- yes!! she just made....it....up!!!! need I say more!! lol-
so I took this cute pic of lil' sis @ the BEAUTIFUL site where my cous. Kari's getting married- it was a BEAUTIFUL area!!
ok!! this child is just PRECIOUS!!!! I love my little Piper!!
also introducing my ADORABLE cous. Kenzie- Isn't she SOOOO cute!!
PLEASE JUST 1 MORE???? then I'll move on I promise!! lol- gotta love my Pipsters<3
AWWW kenz!!!! you're TOO precious!! love yu lots!!
tehe!! so while I was takin' these pix, kenz couldn't stop "givin' kisses" 2 her little cous. How PRECIOUS is that????
kenzie girl with her new lil' bike
another cute pic of my lil' sis. so cute!!
a little pic of me that my dad took
a pic my dad took of us girls. My mommy, me & lil' sis. GREAT photography!!
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