1. Ate the most AMAZING dessert, "YES PEOPLE!! we're talkin' 'bout..... Betty Crocker Warm Delights!!!!!!! YAY BABAY!!!! these r the most GENIUS inventions since the computer- lol
2. (i can't believe I'm gonna say this but- lol) my mom but us one of those corney teen gossip magazine.... so we looked thru that & put up a few posters from it in our room. haha
3. Then last but not least we watched Legally Blond. A GENIUS movie I tell u!! lol- "bend... & snap- haha."
So... here's our proof :-)
I was SUCH a good big sister!!!! so, even though lil' sis hadn't been feelin' very good 4 the past couple days, she BEGGED me (literally folks!! oh yah! u think I'm joking! haha) & PLEADED with me 4 "just one bite"- yes, as u probably figured out, as the story went one... that "1" bite turned in2 quite a FEW!! lol
me with the GENIUS invention!! THANK GOD 4 CHOCOLATE!!!!
havin' some fun with Jetters :-)
yah... he wanted some too, but let's face it! humans r just a little bit more persuasive!! lol
TADAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (need I say more except.... AMAZINGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) tehe
if anyone doesn't know who this is, first of all- it's JOE JONAS!!! AHHHHHH!!!! And second- if u don't know who it is, seriously people! u need 2 get out more!! lol- jk (kinda :-) btw- I took one with a pic of NICK!!! AHHHHH!!!! but I didn't stick it up cause it didn't really turn out very good- lol
k, personally I think we've got enough of the chocolate (u can never have enough of me though- lol. JKJK!!!!) but why not!! lol
yes! It was a VERY fun night!! (mom & dad, u guys should go out more often- lol :-P)