k, this isn't the BEST pic of me u have 2 admit. but hey! I thnk it's cute of ren!
me & abs. AWW!! so cute- love yu abbie! <3
da' girlz- lol. they were having... well.... a little too much fun- lol
cute pic of our lil' sisses. lil' sis & abbie <3 u guys r too cute!! :-)
another pic of our lil' sisses the next day. yah.... WOW!!!! bored much? lol
us.... the next day.... yes..... we were VERY TIRED!!!! so don't judge the way we look. it's the way u look on the inside that matters ok!! lol- tehe
yah.... this is a LITTLE embarrassing!! but hey! she told me 2 do a random face! lol
haha!! this picture explains so much!! lol- don't yu just love abbie's lil' head sticking out in the backround? doesn't that look nice- lol. JK!! love yu abbie- tehe
da' girlz agin'- lol. this is a funny story actually!! so we took this pic & ren thought we were making funny faces (in this pic!) but I smiled. Then I said, "NO!!!!" when I saw the pic. so in the other pic we took.... I was makin' a HILARIOUS!! (scary!!) face but ren smiled. so that's was I call "sisters" lol---- love yu ren!! had such a FUN time with u & abbie!! let's do it again soon!! <3
1 comment:
THAT WAS SOME GOOD TIMES!!! LUV YA'! can't wait for our next sleepover!
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