p.s- here's a scary story on Halloween night :-)
so we were all sitting in our little tent of food in like the middle of our culta-sack (or however you spell it :-) And anyway- it was about 10:40-11 pm & these 2 guys started walking down the street with these masks on, 1 was a stupid little dinosaur mask or something, but the other 1 was the BEST!! It was a guy with spiked hair & the mask from the movie, Halloween!! yah! so they both started walking down the street & then they stopped in the middle of street, u could only just make out their faces, then as they stopped...... the street light went out- Yah!! it was probably just a stupid little dare or something, but it sure scared me half 2 death!! FREAKY!!!!
Anyhoo- enjoy the pix!! we had fun- lol

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