So I was in CA @ my cousin's house 4 Thanksgiving- & he showed me this HILARIOUS!! vid!! it's a MUST watch- hope y'all enjoy! I know I was OTFL!! HAHAHAHA!!!!
Big Sis
Sunday, November 30, 2008
AHHHH Sundays
U gotta love em'!
Coming home from a FABULOUS sermon that TOTALLY spoke 2 you! Your friends are all doing FANTASTIC! Everything's going good. And just relaxing. Not having 2 do any school- & @ the last minute finding out that you don't have 2 listen 2 a SUPER boring lecture!! My day went AMAZINGLY!! And I didn't even plan any of it! Thank you Lord! So the one thing that I've learned today is..... let God direct you life & trust in Him- he will not harm you! But only do what's best for you. Why can't I do that more often. Let's c? Maybe cause I'm not fully trusting in Him? DING DING DING!!!! I'm so glad I had this Revelation from the Lord that I think everyone in the World (ESPECIALLY me!) needs to know & start applying! Hope everybody has a WONDERFUL week- & God bless :-)
Big Sis
Coming home from a FABULOUS sermon that TOTALLY spoke 2 you! Your friends are all doing FANTASTIC! Everything's going good. And just relaxing. Not having 2 do any school- & @ the last minute finding out that you don't have 2 listen 2 a SUPER boring lecture!! My day went AMAZINGLY!! And I didn't even plan any of it! Thank you Lord! So the one thing that I've learned today is..... let God direct you life & trust in Him- he will not harm you! But only do what's best for you. Why can't I do that more often. Let's c? Maybe cause I'm not fully trusting in Him? DING DING DING!!!! I'm so glad I had this Revelation from the Lord that I think everyone in the World (ESPECIALLY me!) needs to know & start applying! Hope everybody has a WONDERFUL week- & God bless :-)
Big Sis
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The wedding!!
So, here are the pix I promised many of u of the FABULOUS wedding lil' sis & I were in... enjoy!!!! Big Sis
The FABULOUS dress!!
Gettin' ready
The LOVELY bride :-)
Lovely ladies:-) so grown up- lol
Lil' sis watchin' "big sis", Coke, gettin' ready:-)
The Bride & her mom
The girls takin' pix
Life size & mini barbie dolls- BEAUTIFUL!!
Lil sis & her "lil friends (from left 2 right)
Here's me & all my friends. (from left 2 right, & kinda back:-)

Drew, Charissa, lil' sis & Noah- love u guys<3

Here's me & all my friends. (from left 2 right, & kinda back:-)
Erin (my bf- love yu<3) Brynn, Kristal, Christian, Kiley, Aubrey, Adam & Ben (don't know what u guys were doing, but it looked kinda awkwered- lol.... JK JK!!) Colton, then Abby & I were in the front
So, it was a SUPER fun night, & it was joy 2 b a part of. Love yu Josh & Coke!! <3
Friday, November 21, 2008
so 2night lil' sis & I r going over 2 our FAVE peoples (& lil' peoples) house 2 babysit Drewby & Bella boo!!!! YAY!!!! now you may b saying, "ok that's kinda random!" And it would b 4 a normal person- lol. (& i'm not very normal:-D anyhoo, we haven't babysat them in like... 4EVER!!!! I miss my kido's SOOOO SUPER much!!! So beck, if you read this, just know how much I love ur fam. & miss ur precious children when I don't get 2 babysit or c them in a LONG LONG LONG LONG time!!!! If this ever happens again.... i will b writing another post just like this one- lol. jk jk!!
I love u R. fam<3
Big Sis
Friday, November 14, 2008
1st the Rehersal dinner
so- I told many of my peeps that I would post some pix of the Rehersal dinner that Big & lil' sis were in last Sat. lil' sis's escort is Nathan, & mine is Andrew. It'll b SOO fun!! here's just some of the fun we had last night:-) Enjoy!!

lil' sis & little Owen
Big sis & baby Owen- SOO cute :-)
He was a little out with the milk- lol
my escort Drew- he was very unhappy that he had 2 walk me down the aisle- jk jk. lol
Lil' sis & her escort Nathan (na-na:-)
The happy couple- rn't they cute?
Me & my other lil' sis- Sissa- @ the Rehersal din. love u honey<3

yah, lil' sis was having a little too much fun- or too little- lol:-D
Big Sis
So that afternoon we went 2 get pedi's with Coke (the bride:-) That was SUPER fun!!!!
yah, lil' sis was having a little too much fun- or too little- lol:-D
So, it was a very fun night 4 all of us. And I will always remember it- love u coke & josh!! my best wishes 2 u both<3
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Ahhhh..... Sundays :-)
I just love 'em!! (thank u Lord!! <3)
anyway, just thought i'd write a meaningless post on how much i LOVE Sundays!!
My fam. has just been relaxing today- first, I slept in till about 11:00 am- (LOL)
my mom, lil' sis & I watched "Love is a many splendored thing". OMG!!!! talk about corney!!
but, it was a fun little thing 2 do with my girls :-)
i'll post some purposeless videos on in a little bit- lil' sis & I r gonna do it 4 fun- lol
so y'all will have somethin' 2 look forward 2- lol.. jk
Big Sis
Saturday, November 8, 2008
So we just had a HUGE garage sale with some friends- & let me tell yu... we were all EXAUSTED!!!! well- here was my aftermath- lol (plus if you'll notice, i did some stuff with my daddy's computer- lol)

big sis

Sunday, November 2, 2008
Ok- here's some pix from our block party on Halloween night. Yah! lil' sis & I were the cutest little dots EVER!! Enjoy!

p.s- here's a scary story on Halloween night :-)
so we were all sitting in our little tent of food in like the middle of our culta-sack (or however you spell it :-) And anyway- it was about 10:40-11 pm & these 2 guys started walking down the street with these masks on, 1 was a stupid little dinosaur mask or something, but the other 1 was the BEST!! It was a guy with spiked hair & the mask from the movie, Halloween!! yah! so they both started walking down the street & then they stopped in the middle of street, u could only just make out their faces, then as they stopped...... the street light went out- Yah!! it was probably just a stupid little dare or something, but it sure scared me half 2 death!! FREAKY!!!!
Anyhoo- enjoy the pix!! we had fun- lol

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Babysiting depravisation
Okay, so i'm sitting here, just thinking how much i miss babysitting J, L, D, and B. I babysat them a lot, and now i'm not. So i'm just thinking (again) how much i miss them and how much I feel deprived. *sniff*sniff* anyway. just to let you know that.
lil' sis
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