Monday, October 18, 2010

I LOVVEE my besties!!!!!!!

Hey friends!
Here's just a quick post about how much fun I had for my besties bday! Ronnie is the most hilarious, outgoing, chill, awesome friend that any girl could ask for. She had me and her other bestie over for a fun day at the mall and a movie. Here's just a few pics!!!!! <3 lil' sis

Luv ya girlies <3

Cute pic. What r u doing Ronnie?


haha. wow mar, you're such a model walker. haha

We're too nerd for you!


A few failed jumping pictures. . . . 



What up hommies?!?!?!

Crazy girls!!

A few of Beebs n' me!

Whaatt?!?! haha

The nerd 


Luv ya girls SOOOO FREAKIN MUCH!!!!!!!! Mussstt get together again really. . . SOONN!!!!!

<3 lil' sis

Friday, July 9, 2010

What we do when we babysit =P

Want to know what we do when we hang with some adorable kids for 5 hours?
Well, I'll let these pictures tell you a little story ;)
xoxo & have a (as Kellogg's Tony the Tiger would say ;) gerrrrATE weekend =D

We eat pizza...with silly faces ;)

We eat...more =P

oh! we do drink juice too =)

We let kids stay up...maybe a little bit past their bedtime because they call us "miss shiwo & miss sabana" (with a sticky ADORABLE face!) & find them coloring on the floor =D

Have we said we babysit REALLLLLY cute kiddos?!?!???

(a little bit earlier) we wear pretty.sparkly headbands, play with dollies, wear flowers & do eachothers hair =D (though I cannot take credit 4 this one. This is her mothers doing, & I must say, it's QUITE fabulous!!)

We smile, a lot =)

We lend a helping hand (UGH! it was so cute!!)

We do silly things!!

And the kids laugh at us =P ...HYSTERICALLY!!!!

OHHHHHYES! we giggle our HEADS off!!!!

Annnnnd....we laugh sum more =D

OOH! we give good piggy back rides =D
(it'll only cost you a smile =)

We run around the house like crazy people =P

We jump REEEEALLY high!!!!

I don't know how this happened... =/ but it got around that savanna's leg is the place 2 grab onto. Idk who spread that! But, if the kids are cute.. I guess I don't mind haha*

We compare toes... I like yours miss Bella-loo =)

And we jump & have fun on the trampoline, then our feet get dirty, & we decide to go swimming, then we go get clean, make cupcakes, read a book, sing a few songs (all craaaaazy-like of cooooourse! ;) and go nighty night <3

All in all, we're pretty dog.on specTACULAR babysitters =)

Now it's time for this babysitter 2 go nighty night <3
chow folks!

check my photography blog for a few more pix from our fun be posted soon =)

Sunday, June 13, 2010


While searching for some new songs 2 download... I was feeling a bit melancholy.  Therefore, resorting to get on ma flicka, looking for that one special picture.  That might... just maybe cheer me up a bit. (but those things never actually happen right?) WRONG!!!!
Here is the picture that made my little heart's night, as well as the capture that was below it =)
I hope it makes you smile, cuz that's what I was searching for... and that's exactly what I found =)
Tonight, I shall go to bed with a smile on my face.
Not only because I found a great picture that made me happier!
But because my Savior died for and loves this pathetic person (...mua. lol), who many times feels like she needs more than Him to bring a smile to her face.  That is so incomprehensible. But, I am so grateful nonetheless!
<3 van

because it's fun.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Of a subject to post about : hmmm..... OOH!
got one ;)
I BOUGHT A NEW COMPUTERRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Yes! Officially =D =D =D =D
But I'm really not that excited as you can tell ;)  Here are some pix of... heehee* ;) muah I took from my new computer =)  as weeeeell as a few from when my home girl (grace!) spent the night.  Yes... a LOT of caffeine! combined with nerdy glasses and lip gloss =P
Love you all, more to come soon (THANK YOU LORD FOR... SUMMERRRRRR!!!!)
I'm feeling like writing something deep... hmm.... =P Just somethin' 2 look forward 2 ;)
But for now, you will have to be content with a few pictures =) (but firsT!! my list of favorite summer... shtuff ;)    xoxo<3

-Blog surfing ;)
-The feel annnnd smell of wet hair (don't ask me why, but somehow if feels different with leave in conditioner in the summer. And I like it... a lot!)
-Cooking summer foods
-Eating fruit salads
-Fun pool photoshoots =)
-summer dresses!!
-fruity lip gloss that alllllso feels different in the summer =P
-dusters (a hairdo that you'll probably see on me when I get right out of the shower or... I was just too lazy to do anything with my long mess)
-Bike rides
-my legs being smooth... all the time (cuz in the summer it's a MUST 2 shave your legs... often! lol)
-curls (ahhhh summer freshness!)
-sleepovers with all my favorite peeps =)
-pool parties!!
-hangin' with friends <3
-air conditioning (I thank God every day for you!!!! =P
-some more strawberries ;)
-taking pictures (though I don't think that's seasonal ;)
-bloggin' more!!
-swimmin' (why didn't I think of that earlier?!? =P
-Watchin' my favorite shows (One Tree Hill and Glee ;)
-dreaming <3

Now stop reading!!  Go out and enjoy your summer!!

If you wanna see any of these bigger, just click on z picture =)
Charlies Angles. Takin' it to a whole new level babay!

My backup dancers =P hahAA!

oh yeah! Nerdy has never looked this good ;) LOLOLLL!!

ohhhkk... I take that back... =/ BAHAHAHAAA!!

You wish you could be this cool, yes. I know you're jealous ;)


OHHHHHH YEEEEAH!!!! Hold back the boys!!!! LOLOLOLLLLLOOOOLLL!!!!!!!!!

RETARDS ROCKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

;) 1 more for kicks =P

BAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHI!!!!!!!!!! that kid CRACKS me up!!!!!!!!
Grace & I are all tryin' to be cute and then... BAM!!!!!!!! here comes.... SHILOHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm bringin' nerdy back =P

WOOT!!!! We're hot, we know!

Now for a bunch of random ones! Prepare yourself people.

New computer... what did you guess we would be doing?

yayyyyy! The witnesses of the computer being set up =P LOLLL!!

hahAAA!!!! what were we on???? too much sugar or... somethin' else that's for shore! hahAAAA!!



OOH! I aaaalso got a new phone!!!! =DDDD hehee*

ooh! I aaaaalso got new pants from my neeeew favorite store =D zay are verrrrrry comfy!!

haha... my day in a nutshell =P

I love this picture, just enough yellow to make you smile, but just enough shadowing to give it depth.

heehee* I wuv my puppy <3

perty flowers / my front yard =P

haha! this is one my bestie took of me in an antique shop =P if you know me at all... this picture pretty much describes me in a little tiny cute nutshell. lol

at the same antique shop (seriously! antique shops ROCK!!!!) I liked the colors, I like carousels and... that's about it =P

My new love <3 I mean come ONNNN! It's Starbucks! It's freakin STRAWBERRIES!!!! It's perfect creamy-frappuccino...ness in an adorable little PINK container!!!!!!!!!!!!!

annnnd lastly. My new wittle camera necklace. can't get enough of these necklaces!! Isn't it adoooOOOOOrable?!?!?????

Well... that's it =)