Friday, October 31, 2008


So I've never told everybody about my (practically) lil' sis Ashley, she's 4. She loves princesses, an Miley Cyrus :-) We've known her 4 more than half her life, she's a total girly girl & I love her SOO much!! here's 4 u Ash!
Big Sis <3
When she was little- So cute!!QT!! <3Miss model :-)Her big sis- Love yu Ash!!

More Youth Retreat pix

Well, I promised more Youth Retreat pix- & my computer is working really (probably cause it's a mac- lol :-) so, here they are!
Big Sis
Me & Abs- Friends <3

The volleyball girlz, don't mess with us!!

Tay & I on the Rope swing, boy was that fun!!

Tay & I on the little wooden thingy- lol (& seriously, we weren't together the WHOLE time, just a lot of it :-)

Everyone on the last day- it was SO hard 2 say goodby! :-(


So here's just a few AWESOME!!!! pix I took @ Taylors & on my dad's MAC!!!! I LOVE <3>Big Sis
L.O.V.E Peace!
Too cool 4 u! lol :-)A pic I took of my heart necklace :-)Another 1 :-)Me & Tay<3Last one- Love u Twinkle!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

my photoshoot

So my bf Ren took this photoshoot of me- We were kinda goin' 4 a Vogue-y look :-) here's a sneak peak of her FABU work!! love u ren<3
Big Sis