Saturday, January 22, 2011


For those of you who don't know, I recently got a 15" Macbook Pro. It is the _*BEST*_ computer/investment I have made for a VERY long time, (besides the many pairs of shoes!!!)

          Isn't is just gorgeous?!?!?!

Anyways, I also (for christmas, thanks big sista!) got a laptop case. it's pink!!! and so, you can see my amusement when my dad is sitting on the couch, with my _*pink*_ laptop!

            Thanks dad for always making me laugh!
xoxo, lil' sis

Has it been this long?

Hey blog people!
sooo, I know we haven't blogged for a _*REALLY*_ long time, so, sorry about that.

But life has been CRAZY here, and we've had barely any time to sleep! So just a heads up that I will be (Can't speak for big sis, but u know!) blogging a LOT more, cause if my life's been crazy, then that means I have just that much more material to blog about!

I know you're probably going to be SHOCKED to see that "The Girl with the Pink Hair" no longer has, well . . . pink hair! Yes, i'm growing my hair out, but hopefully i'll be able to get pink back in my hair somehow.  What can I say, it's basically my identity!!!

Anyways, have I bored you yet?

More posts to come!!!

xoxo, lil' sis