Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Caregroup Celebrity Mystery Partay

k, here are the much anticipated pix from my Caregroup Celebrity Murder Mystery Party. (wow!! trying saying that 3 x's fast!! lol)
Enjoy!! Big Sis (I was Rita Hayworth btw- look her up so u can c a pic!!)

(Aubrey) May West & me

me & Audrey Hepburn- aka.... Margo

me & Fred Astaire (aka... Aaron)

me & Groucho Marx (i think that's how u spell it- lol. also... pardon my lovely ARM!! i couldn't get anyone else 2 take pix- lol) oh... btw. that was Adam- lol

me & my lovely mommy <3 yah- she wasn't part of the thing so she wasn't anybody. but she looked hot!! lol

me & brianna- OK!! my arm is REALLY bugging me now- lol. anyhoo!! she was a wittle kitty kat- very cute!! love yu bri <3

haha- jordan (aka... Bob Marley!! perfect!!)

Andrew- aka Elvis.... not sure I really bought it... but- good job!! haha.....

me & abby- she was a lawer. love yu abs!!

HAHAHAHA!!!!!!! me & Jimmy Hendrix- PERFECT!!!! And 4 everyone wondering- YES!! that is sam :-o

me & Haley- aka Judy Garland. u looked SUPER cute!! love yu <3

ok... mayb just one more!! HILARIOUS!! hope u don't mind that i'm makin' fun of yu- lol.

here's another cute 1 of Haley :-)

haha- matthew was Louis Armstrong & in his intro......well..... let's just say he REALLY got in2 the character- lol

haha- good job Kiley 4 goin' out there & beyond!! btw... she was Marylin Monroe- boop boop bedoo- lol

me & my friends Haley & Aubrey- love yu guys<3

& just in case I left anyone out- here's everyone!! Oh!! almost 4-got!! thank u SOOO much Mr. & Mrs. Johnson 4 throwing this FABULOUS party- I had a BLAST!!

HAHAHAHA!! and then afterwards we were..... well..... a bit hungry, so we hit In n' Out. YUMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what a GREAT night with LOTS of memories!!