Friday, December 19, 2008

Tay & Miss Kate

So the day after we had the Deltenre's over we ALSO went over 2 the Nam's, babysat Kate, spent the night... & went 2 church with them the next morning, worked in nursery, & then had a little piano recital 4 mine & lil' siss's students. It was a VERY hectic weekend!!!! but, it was very fun & we made memories so.... here's the pix- (sorry there's so many of miss kate... but u know, with a baby THAT cute!! u just GOTTA take TONS of pic!! someday when she's older she'll thank me- lol) love yu Tay & Kate<3
Big Sis

me & my girls- love yu guys!!

me & tay. so cute!! hehe- love the kissy lips!! love yu honey<3

oh tay!! such the drama queen!! lol

wittle kate!! isn't she just the CUTEST!!!! LOVE HER!!!! :o)

she wanted 2 grab the camera!! lol

k, I thought this one of her on the couch was just the... CUTEST!!!! I love this child!! lol

OMG!! this kid was SOO photogenic!! and she stood PERFECTLY still everytime we took a pic!! love her!! <3
thank you baby girl 4 being so good 4 me & lil' sis- we SOO enjoyed taking care of u & we hope your mommy will ask us to babysit again soon!! <3

New pix w/ my girlz<3

so we had a sleepover with the FAMOUS Deltenre girlies & here's our proof. lol- we had TONS of fun with u guys, good job in auditions ren!! love yu guys<3 Big Sis

k, this isn't the BEST pic of me u have 2 admit. but hey! I thnk it's cute of ren!

me & abs. AWW!! so cute- love yu abbie! <3

da' girlz- lol. they were having... well.... a little too much fun- lol

cute pic of our lil' sisses. lil' sis & abbie <3 u guys r too cute!! :-)

another pic of our lil' sisses the next day. yah.... WOW!!!! bored much? lol

us.... the next day.... yes..... we were VERY TIRED!!!! so don't judge the way we look. it's the way u look on the inside that matters ok!! lol- tehe

yah.... this is a LITTLE embarrassing!! but hey! she told me 2 do a random face! lol

haha!! this picture explains so much!! lol- don't yu just love abbie's lil' head sticking out in the backround? doesn't that look nice- lol. JK!! love yu abbie- tehe

da' girlz agin'- lol. this is a funny story actually!! so we took this pic & ren thought we were making funny faces (in this pic!) but I smiled. Then I said, "NO!!!!" when I saw the pic. so in the other pic we took.... I was makin' a HILARIOUS!! (scary!!) face but ren smiled. so that's was I call "sisters" lol---- love yu ren!! had such a FUN time with u & abbie!! let's do it again soon!! <3