Sunday, November 30, 2008

OMG!! hilarious vid!!

So I was in CA @ my cousin's house 4 Thanksgiving- & he showed me this HILARIOUS!! vid!! it's a MUST watch- hope y'all enjoy! I know I was OTFL!! HAHAHAHA!!!!
Big Sis

AHHHH Sundays

U gotta love em'!
Coming home from a FABULOUS sermon that TOTALLY spoke 2 you! Your friends are all doing FANTASTIC! Everything's going good. And just relaxing. Not having 2 do any school- & @ the last minute finding out that you don't have 2 listen 2 a SUPER boring lecture!! My day went AMAZINGLY!! And I didn't even plan any of it! Thank you Lord! So the one thing that I've learned today is..... let God direct you life & trust in Him- he will not harm you! But only do what's best for you. Why can't I do that more often. Let's c? Maybe cause I'm not fully trusting in Him? DING DING DING!!!! I'm so glad I had this Revelation from the Lord that I think everyone in the World (ESPECIALLY me!) needs to know & start applying! Hope everybody has a WONDERFUL week- & God bless :-)
Big Sis