Friday, November 14, 2008

1st the Rehersal dinner

so- I told many of my peeps that I would post some pix of the Rehersal dinner that Big & lil' sis were in last Sat. lil' sis's escort is Nathan, & mine is Andrew. It'll b SOO fun!! here's just some of the fun we had last night:-) Enjoy!!
Big Sis

So that afternoon we went 2 get pedi's with Coke (the bride:-) That was SUPER fun!!!!

lil' sis & little Owen

Big sis & baby Owen- SOO cute :-)

He was a little out with the milk- lol

my escort Drew- he was very unhappy that he had 2 walk me down the aisle- jk jk. lol
Lil' sis & her escort Nathan (na-na:-)

The happy couple- rn't they cute?

Me & my other lil' sis- Sissa- @ the Rehersal din. love u honey<3

yah, lil' sis was having a little too much fun- or too little- lol:-D
So, it was a very fun night 4 all of us. And I will always remember it- love u coke & josh!! my best wishes 2 u both<3