Saturday, November 14, 2009

Adam's Partay!

not.much.time.....AH!! g2g make some fondu!!!! (yes people!! we got.... {drumroll...} FONDU POTS TODAY!!!! WOOTWOOT!! ;) haha. YUMM!!!!! will post pix later ;) tehe =oP
But for now, here's some pix from Adam's partay. It was pretty fun, lots of laughs  =oP haha-
Now Adam's 16!!!! man, I got some catching up 2 do 4 all of my friends who are turning 16- EEK!!
tehe ;) xoxo<3

me & my twin ;) love.u.friend<3

aww!! sweet girlz<3 love.u megan & danielle!!

I just... had 2 =oP

tehe =oP boyz will be boyz.<3 such a qt!!

talkin* WOW!! that's like... a creepy STALKER look colton!! haha =oP

yup, luke just started wrapping poor nathan up like a mummy!! but, that's luke 4 ya =oP haha


tehe* taken by the new & upcoming photographer!!: sam =oP

haha!! nice adam =oP


HA!! i will probably regret putting this pic. up someday- maybe like... now!! =oP

OHHH!!!!my.word!! HA*

and...... then they sang kareoke!! I believe they were singing "" by tay.swift =oP HA!!*

ohNO!! more silliness!!!! I don't think I can take any more =/

ladies&gentlemen... meet... um.... nathan!! HA* this is his signature pose (if ya didn't know =oP

cheese* awww I just love these girlz<3

haha =oP peace.

so... I'm just gonna put 'em all- cause I like looking @ all the expressions =oP tehe




#5- &..... OHHHH my =oP

the end* a very fun party. some pretty funny pix- hope these people don't hate me after some of them =oP haha- love.2.all