Monday, October 12, 2009


As I'm sittin' here, glad that it's cooling off in AZ, and excited 4 Halloween ;) I wanted to share with y'all how today's message deeply affected me!
Our AMAZING pastor of Sovereign Grace (Rich =) spoke today from Colossians (vs. 1:5-7) And how we as Christians must breathe in the sweet, sweet air of the Gospel.  Many times, christians get caught up in secondary issues, instead of focusing on the PRIMARY: the Gospel!  It MUST be at the center of everything I do! (it's essential to my very existance ;) We learned how, since God is a HOLY God, he demands Holy worship from His people; but I can't even do that!! That's why I need a Saviour SOO badly, to help me!

The Gospel: God sent His son Jesus to earth, who became man, lived, saved, and eventually died for MY sins!  So that I may live! The GOOD news!........ He didn't STAY dead!! He rose from the dead, lives, and continues to work in the saved and in the unbelievers hearts!

And now ladies and gentlemen............... the point that STRUcK me!!
I can NOT understand and know Jesus unless I know and understand His story!  Rich said that, the Gospel becomes primary when Jesus becomes primary (and vice versa) You can't have one without the other. And lately, I believe that I've been losing sight of the Gospel! Of course I love Jesus, but I find myself taking for granted the Gospel: the story so SPECTACULAR I can't even put it into words!  And the Rich said, "you do not understand the Gospel unless you are falling more in love with Jesus everyday"......... hold on there!! I thought I was just taking the Gospel for granted?!? say what now!!? ok, NOW I think I understand why I've been taking the Gospel for granted! It's because I have not been truly falling in Love with Jesus! Pressing into Him.
You know those times when you aren't really spending as much time with Jesus (like, in prayer, devotionals..... etc.) because everything's going "ok"? well, that's when you need Him MOST!  That's kinda what's been going on in my heart. Since no major issues have risen lately, I find myself not pressing into Jesus *as much*.  This message just really encouraged me to do so and not fall back into those old habits! I hope it will do the same for you. much love to all <3
xoxo Van